Albemarle Region Bicycle Master Plan | Albemarle Region, NC



Type: Regional Bicycle Master Plan

Size: 10 Counties, 186 Square Miles

Status: Complete

Street Plans assisted the North Carolina Department of Transportation, the Albemarle Rural Planning Organization (RPO), and Alta Planning + Design team with the creation of a regional bicycle master plan. Located in northeast North Carolina, the predominantly rural 10-county Albemarle region is comprised of natural preserves, productive farmland, and a scattering of hamlets, villages, and small towns and cities. The region is also home to the beaches of the Outer Banks, which attract hundreds of thousands of people each summer, many who enjoy and desire safe and attractive
bicycling conditions. 
To more closely coordinate regional and local land use and transportation planning decisions, Street Plans established a regional framework comprised of 7 common place types. This framework was used to guide context- appropriate local and regional policy and infrastructure investment recommendations– from inland natural areas, to village centers, to the beach districts commonly found in the Outer Banks. View the full plan HERE. 