Brighton Boulevard FHWA Context-Sensitive Technical Assistance Plan

Type: Corridor Plan

Size: 1.35 Linear Miles

Status: Complete 

On behalf of the Federal Highway Administration, Street Plans joined Project for Public Spaces in providing technical assistance to the City of Denver in the re-design of Brighton Boulevard. Brighton Boulevard is the primary corridor between downtown Denver and Interstate 70, and is characterized by fading industrial land uses and an auto-dominated transportation infrastructure. 
To combat these conditions, the City of Denver re-zoned the corridor and surrounding neighborhood for more intensive, mixedused, transit-oriented development. Supporting this vision is the planned arrival of a new streetcar and a regional commuter rail line, adding multiple stations along and within close proximity to the corridor. 
With the goal of moving the city’s vision forward quickly, Street Plans and the Project for Public Spaces provided public involvement workshops, corridor planning, and urban design services. The project team also offered a short-term “tactical urbanism” implementation plan recommending the use of short-term interve tions and events to activate the area, test various street design configurations, and build support for larger, long-term investments. Phase 1 demonstrates how the use of food trucks, movable planters, cafe seating, and other low-cost elements could accompany temporary events designed to measure possible design configurations and attract private development interests. View the full plan HERE