Honolulu Adopts Tactical Urbanism

During the third week of November, Street Plans travelled to Honolulu to complete the city’s first quick build project. Given the staggering increase in pedestrian fatalities in Hawaii, Street Plans was hired by the Hawaii State Department of Health to work alongside the City and County of Honolulu to…

Talking Headways Podcast

Principal Tony Garcia joined Streetsblog during one of their weekly podcasts about sustainable transportation and urban design called Talking Headways. The episode, titled Test Before You Invest, focused on the TRB Report Fast-Tracked: A Tactical Transit Study. Tony talks about Quick-Build bus lanes and how advocates are recommending change…

Annual Smart Growth Summit

Principal Mike Lydon was in Baton Rouge, LA this week to speak the Annual Smart Growth Summit put on by the Center for Planning Excellence (CPEX). Lydon spoke alongside ArtPlace America’s Jamie Bennett. He also gave a conferencing-closing PechakKucha presentation about asphalt art! Prior to the conference, CPEX published this flattering profile on…

Key West Pilot Project Kickoff

Street Plans, the City of Key West, and the Health Foundation of South Florida hosted the kickoff public workshop for the Crosstown Greenway Pilot Project last week, which included an interactive exercise using scaled, adhesive cut-outs of Neighborhood Greenway elements such as diverters, pavement markings, traffic circles, and chicanes….

Tactical Transit Report Released

From Miami to Boston, cities across North America are looking for ways to accelerate and improve transit projects more than ever before. Our latest research report, Fast-Tracked: A Tactical Transit Study, was just released today by the Transportation Research Board of The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine….

Let’s Ride JC

Street Plans is in the final stages of finishing Let’s Ride JC, Jersey City’s first bicycle master plan. The project team unveiled the draft plan to the public on April 2nd, which included a large-scale 16’x24′ network map captured by this short Streetfilm. All project documents, included the draft…

Hands on Exchange

From Saturday, August 11th to Sunday, August 12th Street Plans, the University of Akron, and about 50 total volunteers installed a two-way protected bike lane on the north side of East Exchange Street between Arc Drive and Goodkirk Street. Funded by the Knight Foundation, Hands on Exchange tested new…

Long Beach, CA Materials Guide Workshop

Overall note: This blog post is one of 6 posts summarizing outcomes of the Beta City Workshop series Street Plans led as part of the Tactical Urbanist’s Guide to Materials and Design project. To learn more about the Materials Guide, click here. Long Beach, CA Workshop: Long Beach, CA…

Washington D.C. Materials Guide Workshop

Overall note:  This blog post is one of 6 posts summarizing outcomes of the Beta City Workshop series Street Plans led as part of the Tactical Urbanist’s Guide to Materials and Design project. To learn more about the Materials Guide, click here.  Washington D.C. Workshop:  Street Plans led a…