46th Avenue Street Seat | Queens, NY
The Long Island Board of Realtors approached Street Plans to help them identify a location and take on the design, fabrication, and implementation of a signature placemaking project.
The Long Island Board of Realtors approached Street Plans to help them identify a location and take on the design, fabrication, and implementation of a signature placemaking project.
Our City, Our Spaces! is a materials, tools, and equipment library for neighborhood-led activities. It provides guidance on how to create enliven and improve neighborhoods and open spaces.
Street Plans worked closely with the SoHo Broadway Initiative to implement “Little Prince Plaza”, a temporary public space installation to test the pedestrianization of Prince Street between Mercer Street and Broadway.
Street Plans was hired by the City of Jersey City to design a detailed, contractor-ready “Quick Build” striping and signage plan for a one-mile segment of Washington Boulevard.
Street Plans produced the City of New Haven’s first Active Transportation Plan, a comprehensive analysis and road map for advancing walking, biking, and transit infrastructure in the city in the next 10 years.
Street Plans worked alongside NACTO to create a resource that aggregates and synthesizes emerging best practices in transportation and street design in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Since January 2021, Street Plans has executed over 30 events both in the neighborhood and at the Plaza, from large music festivals to intimate community gatherings.
Friends of the BQX retained Street Plans to develop a “lookbook” of visualizations focused on six livable street transformations that could be achieved as part of the project’s implementation.
Street Plans led the visualization of Lyft’s “Resilient Streets” Initiative, which included re-imagining seven major corridors in cities across the United States in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Street Plans was engaged by Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc. and the Capitol Region Council of Governments to support the public engagement efforts for the creation of the Capitol Region Complete Streets Plan.