City of Fitchburg SmartCode Update | Fitchburg, WI

Type: SmartCode Bicycle Module

Size: 35 Square Miles

Status: Adopted, Implementation Underway

The SmartCode is a model form-based code that folds zoning, subdivision regulations, urban design, public works standards and basic architectural controls into one compact document. Available for all scales of planning, the model code is designed to be calibrated to the specific character and aspirations of the municipality in which it is applied. 
While the City of Fitchburg SmartCode is the first to be adopted in Wisconsin, there was a strong sentiment that the street standards did not fully integrate best practices in active transportation design. Thus, the City retained The Street Plans Collaborative to update the street design standards developed in the SmartCode Zoning Ordinance. Before undertaking any design work, Street Plans conducted a “handlebar survey” of the city and led a public involvement process in June of 2011. This allowed the firm to best understand the conditions on the ground and the community’s aspirations. The final SmartCode update coordinates more than 25 bikeway facility, intersection treatment, and bicycle parking types to the five local context zones established in the SmartCode. 
After a 6-month approval process, The SmartCode updates made by Street Plans were unanimously approved by Common Council in January of 2012. The updated SmartCode enabled the design of Wisconsin’s first cycle track, which as of January 2013 was under construction along Lacy Road in the new Nine Springs neighborhood.