Project Status: Plan Adopted by City of Jersey City
Following the completion of the City’s Pedestrian Enhancement Plan, Street Plans was hired to create Jersey City’s first bicycle master plan and a bikeway design guide.
The project included a full bikeway network master plan, an equity action plan, and robust public outreach activities, including the formation of a Technical Advisory Committee, three public workshops, six ward-based handlebar surveys with community members, and a large-scale 4-day demonstration protected bike lane along Bergen Avenue (that has since been made permanent).
The bikeway network plan seeks to achieve a ‘minimum grid’ of protected lanes and a dense network of neighborhood greenways, with the goal of quadrupling cycling by 2025. The bikeway design guide is customized to Jersey City’s quirky street grid and topography, outlining design strategies and infrastructure types to rapidly advance cycling and integrate shared active mobility into the city’s streetscapes. The plan’s focus on low-cost “quick build” methods jumpstarted implementation before plan adoption. Indeed, 4.2 miles of protected bikeways have been installed since July 2019, with 15 additional miles slated for 2020, linking neighborhoods with parks, transit, and retail/civic destinations.