Street Plans Presents at the Pro Walk/Pro Bike/Pro Place Conference in Vancouver

juliefbvancouverstreetplanstalkvancouverStreet Plans delivered two talks in Vancouver the week of September 12th for the Pro Walk/Pro Bike/Pro Place Conference, the premiere conference in North America for walking and bicycling professionals. Together with the San Francisco Planning Department, Street Plans presented the recently published Public Space Stewardship Guide -a new print and online resource with case studies and ready-to-use tools for funding, programming, and maintaining emerging public spaces. Our second presentation focused on our forthcoming Tactical Urbanist’s Guide to Materials & Design. The Guide will focus on sharing best-practices around materials and design for rapid implementation of common tactical urbanism projects, including street-safety enhancement projects such as high-visibility crosswalks, curb extensions, refuge islands, protected bike lanes, plazas, and traffic circles. Thank you to everyone who joined us at these two sessions!