Street Plans, the City of Key West, and the Health Foundation of South Florida hosted the kickoff public workshop for the Crosstown Greenway Pilot Project last week, which included an interactive exercise using scaled, adhesive cut-outs of Neighborhood Greenway elements such as diverters, pavement markings, traffic circles, and chicanes. Street Plans is working with its partners to create a pilot project of a Neighborhood Greenway along Von Phister Avenue/Staples Street in Key West, FL, a corridor that was identified as a “bike boulevard” in the city’s March 2019 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Following an introductory presentation on Tactical Urbanism and the project location, Street Plans and the city facilitated the “build your own greenway” exercise on three sample segments of the corridor. The idea was to encourage workshop attendees to think about how Neighborhood Greenway elements can be clustered together for, and educate them on the function of a Neighborhood Greenway.
Follow-up outreach in December will include narrowing down where along the corridor the pilot project will take place.