Superilla Barcelona: The City After Covid Roundtable

Mike Lydon joined Barcelona Ajuntament, the Barcelona City Council, to kick off the first of a 3-day conference on Superilla Barcelona: A city for Those Who Live in it: Building the Right to the City, asking:

  • How do we achieve a livable city, inside and outside the private space?
  • How do we create livable and nearby neighborhoods?

“Accessibility to basic services in our immediate environment has become a key element of urban life and the mono-functionality of cities is not a sustainable solution. During the pandemic era, we rediscovered the importance of proximity. We have become more local and need to be able to offer all the functions of the city at the scale of each neighborhood. We need a sense of community around us to enjoy our daily lives as well as the environment around us.”

View the Full Program here & learn more about the different sessions and speakers here. (Original content in Catalan. Use Google Translate to convert the text to your preferred language.)

The video contains subtitles in English translated from the original Catalan.