Pandemics. Floods. Earthquakes. War. Cities are our most valuable social, economic, and cultural creations but generally lack quick, resilient responses to single or any number of overlapping crises.
Principal and Co-Founder of Street Plans, an urban planning, design, and research-advocacy firm Mike Lydon gave a lecture Tactical Urbanism – Lessons for Urban (re)Development on September 12th, 2022 as a part of KSE Urban Development Talks. He discussed a range of tools, tactics, and methods for responding to unforeseen challenges that result in safer, more productive, and inclusive cities.
Mike is an internationally sought-after planner, author, speaker, and designer of livable cities who has led more than 100 temporary and permanent street redesign projects across the United States. Having delivered more than 300 keynotes, workshops, trainings, and lectures, he has exerted a global influence on how people think about transforming the public realm. In 2018 he was named by Planetizen as one of the 100 most influential urbanists of all-time.
He is the creator and primary author of The Open Streets Project and the co-author of the best-selling book Tactical Urbanism: Short-term Action for Long-term Change.
Watch the entire talk on YouTube:
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To view other lectures in the KSE Urban Development Talk series, please click here.