US 1 Bicycle/Pedestrian Mobility Plan | Pinecrest, FL

Type: Multi-modal mobility plan
Size: Villagewide (19,000 population, 7.6 sq. miles)
Status: Complete

Street Plans worked with the Village of Pinecrest to develop a multi-modal mobility plan for the U.S. 1 Corridor. This project took into account the needs of drivers, but specifically focused on increasing safety and mobility for cyclists and pedestrians in the study area. 

Street Plans conducted a thorough existing conditions analysis, documenting transit networks and crash-data, as well as user-level information collected through Handlebar Survey and Walkability Audits.

The final U.S. 1 Corridor Mobility Plan provides Pinecrest leaders, decision-makers, transportation officials, and community members with a clear, concise, and attractive master plan report summarizing all recommendations and analysis. The Plan includes:

• Short- and long-term, site specific pedestrian safety improvements;

• Project recommendations to improve connections in support of the existing Village Bicycling Plan and area bicycle trails;

• Design standards for new bicycle and pedestrian facilities;

• And a detailed Implementation Plan.

This planning effort required an excellent understanding of design and engineering practices in the latest multimodal transportation practices, in addition to understanding the circumstances unique to Pinecrest. For example, Street Plans explored small improvements to sidewalks and commercial alleyways in order to increase connectivity between the U.S. 1 commercial corridor and adjacent residential neighborhoods.

Street Plans’ approach to this project was informed by their analysis of Pinecrest’s land use and transportation context, to ensure appropriate calibration of low-stress bicycle and pedestrian connections within the village.

The plan drawing above illustrates improvements that could be made at the intersection of Killian Drive and the US-1, including the addition of bike boxes and enhanced crosswalks.