Project Status: Ongoing
Street Plans was engaged by Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc. and the Capitol Region Council of Governments to support the public engagement efforts for the creation of the Capitol Region Complete Streets Plan.
As a part of this effort, Street Plans attended two public workshops in the Fall of 2018, followed by the delivery of a Quick-Build project on Jubilee Street in the City of New Britain as a way to show a Quick-Build project approach to Complete Streets. On October 24th and 25th, Street Plans and the City installed a 8,000 square foot asphalt art mural (see before and after pictures on following page), with the goal of providing more public space in New Britain’s East Side neighborhood. Street Plans was responsible for the asphalt art design, materials procurement, and installation.
The next and final part of the public engagement effort included the production of the A Capitol Region Guide to Community Quick-Builds for Complete Streets. In this guide, Street Plans created a matrix of different types of Quick-Build projects (parklet, protected bike lane, crosswalk, roundabout, dedicated bus lane, etc.), and to which thoroughfare types in the CRCOG region they were applicable. For each project type, Street Plans included a description and real-world case study of how it was implemented using the Quick-Build methodology. The publication concluded with a 10-step guide to implementing Quick-Build projects, from choosing a project site to sharing project results, as well as additional Quick-Build resources.
As a Phase II of this work, Street Plans has been contracted by the City of New Haven and the City of Norwich for the design and implementation of Quick-Build projects, and delivery of a Complete Streets workshop.