Over the past decade, Grove Street in downtown Jersey City has served as a test bed for new public space/mobility interventions. Some of Jersey City’s first bike lanes were stripped there in 2014, and then replaced in 2019 by the city’s first protected bike lane and floating bus stop. In response to the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic, a parking and travel lane were then repurposed into a linear pedestrian and outdoor dining plaza in 2020.
With the coming overhaul of City Hall Park, the timing is right to consider transitioning the interim Grove Street linear plaza into a permanent and high-quality public space linking 11 blocks of pedestrian-only and pedestrian-priority streets.
The design process began in March 2023 and included a detailed existing conditions analysis and subsequent public workshop held on the sidewalk outside of City Hall.
The Public workshop was held outside of the City Hall in April to invite all the residents, business owners, and commuters to be part of the discussion. An informal gathering with maps and data that was synthesized from the analysis done prior was showcased to illustrate what the event was about.
Street Plans submitted the final plan in September, which will be advanced toward implementation in the months ahead. Stay tuned!