Our City Our Spaces | Washington D.C.

Project Status: Published

From the alley to the block, the District’s public spaces are full of potential for community gatherings. Transforming a vacant lot into a pop-up community play space for the day or night can bring neighbors together, strengthen community bonds, and create a sense of place. Our City, Our Spaces! is a materials, tools, and equipment library for neighborhood-led activities. It provides guidance to residents, business improvement districts, non-profit organizations, and city leaders on how to create enliven and improve neighborhoods and open spaces.

With more than 56 materials, equipment, and tools to create daytime and nighttime activities. It also provides inspiration and details on the many public and publicly-accessible private spaces that exist in the District, and the activity types that can happen within them.

With this toolkit, residents and community organizations can host and assist in social, cultural, and physical improvement activities in their neighborhoods. The document also contains recommendations for developing a physical library of available materials, tools, and to move this guidance from the page to the pavement!