Peachtree Shared Space Demonstration Project | Atlanta, Georgia

Project Status: Implementation Complete

Together with the City of Atlanta Department of City Planning and Toole Design Group, Street Plans assisted in the development and led the implementation of the Peachtree Shared Space Demonstration Project. The project focused on advancing the City’s goal to enhance safety, walkability, and encourage the use of active modes of transportation. 

The Peachtree Shared Space Demonstration Project marked the first step towards a transformative public space project for the City of Atlanta. While the project team was unable to test a true, curbless shared space, there are parts that could be tested with removable materials in a short-term, low-cost installation in the proposed location of the shared space. This first step is intended to inform a final design for the shared space, which will be continuously refined based on what is learned from the demonstration project.

The project design and continuous refinement is achieved through a focused effort from the project team in engaging residents, stakeholders, community partners, and visitors through a series of online surveys. Additionally, the project team met with business owners and residents within the immediate vicinity of the project area to discuss the project.

The final Peachtree Shared Space design stretched 3 full blocks down Peachtree Street directly through the center of Downtown Atlanta, GA. Sidewalk extensions throughout the corridor allowed for pedestrian activity to spill – protected – into the street space. Curb extensions at every intersection along the corridor shortened pedestrian crossing distances and provided much needed visibility. Finally, a 40-foot midblock crossing completely transformed the corridor while succeeding in lower vehicle speeds and increasing for pedestrians and alternate modes of transportation alike. These elements combined with curated planter selections and bright tactical elements not only made the space safer but more beautiful and inviting for visitors and residents. 

The day of the installation, Street Plans trained the Department of City Planning staff on project application, building the city’s internal resources to replicate projects in the future.