Slow Streets 2.0 | Miami Beach, FL

Status: Ongoing

Street Plans was recently engaged by the City of Miami Beach to develop the Flamingo Park Neighborhood Slow Streets 2.0 Plan in coordination with the City, County, and the community. This work builds on the plans that were started by the City as part of Slow Streets Network Plan in 2020.

As part of this work, Street Plans worked extensively with city staff to prepare presentations to city committees, review staff memos, and to help identify budget requests to take this project from concept to built reality. Street Plans also created a public engagement and communications plan to gather community input and guide project development.

The plan aims to create low-stress streets for walking and biking through low-cost traffic calming and street design. Street Plans analyzed the neighborhood’s existing conditions and identified traffic calming project types that could be implemented utilizing the quick-build methodology such as curb extensions, traffic circles, diverters, signage, and asphalt art. With these typologies in mind, Street Plans selected potential project locations in Flamingo Park and created a Kit of Parts for each project typology with material information, specifications and a cost analysis. 

Once the Kit of Parts was reviewed by the city, Street Plans developed block-by-block conceptual plans for two corridors in the neighborhoods that build on the plans that were started as part of Slow Streets Network Plan in 2020.

Street Plans is currently working with the City of Miami Beach to initiate Phase 1 of the City of Miami Beach Slow Streets 2.0 Pilot Projects. The work will reflect the proposals identified in the Slow Streets 2.0 analysis completed in the summer of 2022 and will focus on Jefferson Avenue between 5th Street and11 Street, and 13 Street between Washington Avenue and Meridian.