Type: SmartCode Module
Size: n/a
Status: Complete, Implemented Nationally
The SmartCode Bicycle Module was researched and authored by Mike Lydon and Tony Garcia of The Street Plans Collaborative, with assistance from Zachary Adelson. Street Plans has calibrated the module in El Paso, Texas and Fitchburg, WI.
The module is designed to “plug in” in to the SmartCode, which is a model form-based code that folds zoning, subdivision regulations, urban design, public works standards and basic architectural controls into one compact document. Available for all scales of planning, from the region to the community, to the block and building, the model code is able to be calibrated to the unique qualities of each place to which it is applied. It is thus unlike conventional zoning codes based on use and density, which have made mixed use and walkable neighborhoods inadvertently illegal.
Specifically, the Bicycle Module advances the quality of bicycle planning within smart growth planning and design efforts. To do so, the Module coordinates more than 20 bike way facility and parking types with the logic of the rural-to-urban transect. Like the “freeware” SmartCode, the Bicycle Module is available for download at the Center for Applied Transect Studies website: www.transect.org.