Tactical Urbanism Salons

Type: Interactive UnConference

Size: n/a

Status: Ongoing

The Tactical Urbanism Salon travels to different cities to highlight and draw together individuals, organizations, and local government departments seeking new ways to overcome existing challenges in the built environment. Participants help build interventions, listen to peer presentations, and take part in peer-to-peer workshops or small group discussion based on topics generated from the audience. 
The most recent Salon was held on December 8th and 9th, 2012 in Santiago, Chile as part of that country’s Architectural Biennale. Past Salons have been held in Queens, NY, Philadelphia, PA, and Memphis, TN. 
The Tactical Urbanism Salon series was founded by Change Administration and The Street Plans Collaborative to advance the practice of tactical urbanism. 
For more general information or to request a Tactical Urbanism Salon in your city, please email info@streetplans.org.