Mike Lydon featured on the the Outspoken Cyclist Podcast
Street Plans Principal Mike Lydon joined the Outspoken Cyclist podcast, one of the longest running and most popular bicycling podcasts…
Street Plans Principal Mike Lydon joined the Outspoken Cyclist podcast, one of the longest running and most popular bicycling podcasts…
Street Plans, in partnership with NYC DOT, the Park to Park 103 Community Coalition, and Open Plans, recently completed a nearly four-year planning and public engagement effort culminating in a Street Improvement Project (SIP) on New York’s Upper West Side. Starting in late 2019 Street Plans undertook a study…
In a recent webinar hosted by ULI’s Building Healthy Places Initiative, Principal Tony Garcia discussed how creative uses of transportation infrastructure during the COVID-19 pandemic have helped provide spaces to gather in socially distant ways.
Principals Tony Garcia and Mike Lydon were interviewed by Streetsblog USA on how recent events have sparked new conversations around equity in the application of the Tactical Urbanism methodology.
Principal Tony Garcia was cited in a an article by California Planning & Development Report titled COVID Crisis Revives Debate About How Public Space Is Used. Tony describes how the Tactical Urbanism methodology can help tackle physical distancing.
Mike Lydon was quoted in this CNN Business article about the need to configure our streets to support walking, biking, and high-frequency transit to aid in the country’s economic recovery. Read more in our Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery guide.
Mike Lydon joined The War on Cars podcast to talk about the positive changes that have resulted from the spacial reallocation of our streets during the COVID pandemic. He thinks that cities can start looking at ways to make some changes permanent.
Street Plans collaborated on a resource that aggregates and synthesizes emerging practices in transportation and street design in response to the impacts of COVID-19.
Mike Lydon appeared on a webinar for Smart Growth America about community responses to COVID-19 through Complete Streets and other transportation initiatives.
Street Plans Principal Mike Lydon was quoted on an article for Fast Company about how cities are starting to rethink their streets to prepare for the reopening of cities. Lydon shares some insight into the types of infrastructure needed.