Project Status: Implementation Complete
The Crosstown Greenway Pilot Project tested Neighborhood Greenway elements along the “Crosstown Connector”, a route identified in the 2019 Key West Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan. At its full extents, the 3-mile Crosstown Connector includes Duck Avenue, the off-street paths connecting 14th Street to Seidenberg Avenue, Seidenberg Avenue between 12th Street and 10th Street, and Staples Avenue/Von Phister Street between Roosevelt Boulevard and Reynolds Street. An already heavily-used route, the Connector is an important link for non-motorized commuters coming from Stock Island and elsewhere on the island, and it is a calmer, parallel route for leisurely biking, walking, and traveling within the City of Key West.
After multiple rounds of public engagement beginning in November 2019, and a robust project selection process, the project team landed on a set of interventions at six locations along Staples Avenue/Von Phister Street between George Street and 12th Street as a part of a first phase of the Crosstown Greenway. A Phase II of the Pilot Project is planned to be installed by the City in the future, and will test traffic circles at previously proposed locations along the route.
The Neighborhood Greenway elements tested included curb extensions, chicanes, crossbike markings, “super sharrows”, and signage. These elements were installed over three days in November 2020 by Street Plans, the City of Key West, and over 30 volunteers.
The project team conducted six months of evaluation following installation, with the biggest takeaway being a substantial increase in bicyclists, consequently further shifting the total mode share of travelers along the corridors toward non-motorized users.