Julie Flynn Joins Street Plans, Launches San Francisco Office.

Street Plans is thrilled to announce the hiring of Julie Flynn. Julie, who has worked part-time for Street Plans since 2013, is an outstanding planner, designer, and advocate for livable cities. She’ll take on the role of project manager and will anchor our presence in San Francisco to better serve our clients on the west coast. 

As a professional, Julie has a strong background in community outreach, public space activation, and transportation planning projects. She also has extensive experience with research and graphics production for urban planning projects. Julie is fluent in Spanish and can lead bilingual public involvement efforts.

With Principal Mike Lydon, Julie co-created and was the lead author of The Mercado Project: Lessons from 20 Markets Across South America.

Prior to her role at Street Plans, Julie worked as a Transportation Planner and Public Involvement Specialist at Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates (HSH) in New York, NY. At HSH, Julie worked on an array of projects at the federal, state, and neighborhood level. She also coordinated the city-wide permit process for New York City’s PARK(ing) Day event. Previous to here career as an urban planner, Julie worked as the Communications and Program Associate at La Cocina, a non-profit organization in San Francisco, CA. While at La Cocina, Julie helped coordinate the 2nd Annual San Francisco Street Food Festival, and assisted in publicizing and planning the 1st National Street Food Conference, engaging food vendors and city planners alike in a dynamic two-day discussion on the impact of mobile food vending in urban settings across the country.

Julie received a B.A. in Urban Studies from Brown University.