Type: Campus Area Study
Size: 230 acres
Status: Completed, Plan
The University of Miami has made great strides toward reducing the effect of car travel on its Coral Gables campus. Now, the challenge is to extend those efforts to the areas directly surrounding the campus to ensure that the resident university population can safely enter and leave campus as pedestrians or cyclists.
Street Plans teamed with Stantec/C3TS to produce a pedestrian and bicycle study for the University of Miami’s Coral Gables campus. The project team assembled a list of projects that the University can pursue in order to accomplish the twin goals of improving overall pedestrian and bicyclist safety, while also going beyond the bare minimum in trying to advance bicycle and pedestrian mobility on and around the campus.
The projects coming out of the Study encompass a wide range of improvements, from simple striping to complete street redesigns. These projects seek to build on the efforts that the University has already started, while making important internal and external connections. The overall planning strategy involved three main moves:
- Create an Outer loop of continuous, high capacity shared use paths.
- Improved inner lake-side loop.
- Connections across campus with continuous paths, both east/west & north/south.
Central to the success of the improvements will be a coordinated and consistent signage and wayfinding network that will facilitate bicycle and pedestrian travel around campus. In addition, the university must be a vocal advocate in conversations with local officials regarding the high posted speeds on thoroughfares surrounding the university.