What the Team is Reading & Listening To:

Here’s what has caught our team’s eyes and ears lately. Check it out!

MIKE LYDON recommends:

A photo along the Seine River in Paris.

The Liberation of Paris From Cars Is Working

(Slate interview & photo by Henry Grabar)

Having visited Paris this summer, Mike found this article to be of high interest, & especially enjoyed this forceful assertion:

“The redistribution of public space is a policy of social redistribution. Fifty percent of public space is occupied by private cars, which are used mostly by the richest, and mostly by men, because it’s mostly men who drive, and so in total, the richest men are using half the public space. So if we give the space to walking, biking, and public transit, you give back public space to the categories of people who today are deprived.”

APRIL OH recommends:

Episode 8: The Guerrilla Cyclists of Mexico City

(‘Overheard’ at National Geographic Podcast; photo by Eduardo Briones, Europa Press)

The podcast discusses how passionate community members can implement effective and lasting change through tactical urbanism – including a historic nod to the Netherlands, a celebrated biking mecca today, all thanks to the advocates who fought to make their streets better and safer decades ago – offering hope to those waging that same fight today in cities across the globe. 


Bicycle/Race: Transportation, Culture, & Resistance

(Book by Adonia E. Lugo, PhD)

Rachel is enjoying reading Bicycle/Race which discusses biking in Los Angeles and the dynamics of pushing for improved infrastructure design within different marginalized communities and cultures. 

IRENE BALZA recommends:

99% Invisible: Episode 346, Palaces for the People

Hosted by Roman Mars, Produced by Emmet Fitzgerald.

I’ve always enjoyed 99% Invisible but really liked this episode in discussion with Eric Klinenberg, author of Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life.

AREN CASTRO recommends:

Design & The City Podcast: Vishaan Chakrabarti on Creating an Architecture of Belonging

(Podcast & image by reSITE)

I second Irene’s pick of 99% Invisible but another great podcast to check out is Design and the City by reSITE. They put out really great stuff especially interviews like this one with Vishaan Chakrabarti, the founder and creative director of Practice for Architecture and Urbanism (PAU) and Dean of the William W. Wurster College of Environmental Design at the University of California, Berkeley.